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Developing Self-Care and Self-Confidence

Self-care is much more than an hour in a bubble bath and eating chocolate while reading the latest novel. Although that is a fun part of self-care or taking time for yourself, self-care asks for a higher and deeper mastery. After living through a global pandemic and its economic, political, and self-deprivation fallout, it is easy for stress, worry, and anxiety to consume your thoughts. Instead, give yourself the gift of self-awareness and self-confidence by taking care of yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and practically.

Self-care is something you need to do every day. Self-care is taking care of yourself, and it isn’t an indulgence. Self-care is a commitment to stay balanced and healthy. So go ahead and take time to do all that self-care requires, and you will find yourself in a healthier place with the energy and self-confidence to accomplish your goals.

What is Self-Care?

Self-care is improving or preserving your health and keeping a healthy relationship with yourself. It stimulates your mind, body, and soul by participating in activities that promote well-being, reduce stress, and build confidence. Taking care of yourself enhances the ability to live vibrantly, thoroughly, and efficiently. In addition, self-care reminds you and those around you that your needs are a priority and valid.

Nutritionists tell you that self-care is exercising and eating healthy. Psychologists tell you that self-care is to stop punishing yourself for mistakes you have made. Self-care is both of these practices, but it also uses your time to do things that make you feel mental, emotionally, and physically well. Take the time to remind yourself that you are important, too.

There are six types of self-care:


Take care of your emotions by feeling, reflecting, expressing, or recognizing internal emotions or feelings. As indulgent as you may think it sounds, it gets in touch with the inner you. Emotional self-care can include:

  • Listening to music that stirs your emotions
  • Going to therapy
  • Journaling about how you feel
  • Have a sincere talk with someone close to you about your emotions
  • Create something – an art piece, a poem, a music piece, or something that expresses you
  • Take out time in your day to meditate. All you need is a quiet five minutes.


Do not confuse mental self-care with emotional self-care. Mental and emotional self-care seem almost the same, but they are different. Mental self-care is anything that actively engages your mind. Examples of mental self-care can be:

Doing jigsaw puzzles
Writing a story
Playing a game
Watching a documentary
Listen to music


When we think of self-care, we think of the physical. Physical is the relaxing bubble bath and face mask, but simple everyday things help your physical well-being. Physical self-care is all about eating well, exercising, getting plenty of sleep. Physical self-care also can mean:

  • Taking a walk
  • Playing with children
  • Taking prescribed medication
  • Be good to yourself
  • Know when resources are running low
  • Exercise self-compassion


This type of self-care is doing all the everyday tasks your well-being requires. In addition, you are helping free yourself from stress when you do these daily tasks.

  • Making your bed
  • Paying bills
  • Doing the dishes
  • Staying on top of household chores
  • Planning your time
  • Tidying your living and working environment
  • Planning a budget

It’s incredible how doing these everyday tasks and finishing them helps you feel free.


Spiritual self-care is specialized. Spiritual self-care is encouraging and thinking about more significant things than yourself. Connect to the universe or a religious figure. Thinking, pondering, and wondering are all part of spiritual self-care. Try these ideas:

  • Practicing yoga
  • Meditation
  • Praying
  • Going to a place of worship
  • Spending time outside and connecting to nature.

Don’t think you are trendy by doing yoga, meditation, or praying. Practicing yoga and meditation improves brain function and balance. It’s almost like going to your “happy place. Spiritual self-care is essential.


Social self-care looks out for your relationships, including romantic, platonic, familial, and relationships that affect your well-being and health. Meaningful social self-care items could be:

  • Calling a family member or old friend
  • Lunching with friends
  • Setting boundaries in relationships
  • Cleaning out your social media and only allow positive accounts
  • Understanding that you need alone time away from social media.

Self-care provides and enhances self-confidence. Customize your areas of self-care to strengthen your self-confidence. Give yourself permission to “indulge” in self–care. It will do you a world of wonder.

Golden Laser Aesthetyics is here to support and guide you on your journey of self-care and self-confidence. Whether you’re looking to overhaul your skin, maintain your glow, or any and everything in between, we are here for you. Contact us by calling or texting (720) 900-4523 or at and let us take it from there. We can’t wait to hear from you!


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